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What examples of jammers have you seen used?

dszwfdm – El Paso – USA, Central2415456203Facebook
Services > Employment, Education, HR, Gamification, Science 4.0
El Paso.



Some prisons also use jammers to prevent inmates from communicating

The development of smartphone wireless networks is a major factor in accelerating the pace of social development, because mobile phones can help people solve too many problems and play a more important role in people's lives. However, teens use the Internet habitually, especially in home networks, and indulge in the virtual gaming world, mainly because of mobile phones and WiFi networks. As a result, many households are gradually buy wifi jammer that control telephone radio transmissions to control their children ’s online time.

Hundreds of people are killed and injured every day around the world due to the use of mobile phones while driving. Cell phone jammers are only a good way to force the prohibition of cell phone use while driving.Prison authorities have installed a large number of high-power jammers equipment in Bobasin prison to prevent prisoners from illegally using mobile phones. The installation of equipment to prevent prison calls meets very strict standards in order to avoid interference with communication networks outside the prison. signal jammer are designed to disable phones in certain areas.

We have a drone jammer device, can be effectively interference from the UAV, your privacy has been seen either. Today we are going to talk about privacy protection of unlimited electricity stealing, and today we are going to talk about how to use the scrambling key preventing privacy has been stolen.Now UAV theft has become very common, science and technology in the military field, some journalists fond of rummaging for privacy, using a ubiquitous jammer of flies in your home or is hidden in your secret in a corner, then their to the public.The development of science and technology technology more and more rapidly now, a lot of high tech applications for criminals is facilitated.

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What examples of jammers have you seen used?
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